Friday, October 07, 2005


Hey big J - thanks for all that - clears things up for me. I can say a definite yes then - but could you double check with the gertrude hierarchy that it will be possible to have events in the space on some evenings (for an invited rather than a general public).

My idea is that the space will be a private social space at these times, and the meeting space/reading room (which will consist of some designed sculptural objects that act as support/pedestal devices). These will be visible to the public at specific times during the two weeks. The window will be obscured in some fashion during the activities. I'm thinking of it almost as a period piece - think mathew jones's silence equals death piece/ Group Material (the collaborative agit prop art group)  with a 1980s aesthetic. Do we need to talk titles at this point? I'm still working things out so everything is kindof fluid at the moment.

General strike in brussels at the moment means we're having groundog day experience and can't get out (sat on yesterday's train for 30 mins before announcement that it was going nowhere). Jonny has just found a bus company that is actually running, so now I've got to figure out how to get my bags across the city with no public transport and traffic hell.

As for Jonny, last 3 months have been pretty much a one man show - with a few adventures. In greece was under the watchful eye of 30 cousins and and 16 aunts and uncles - a bit stressful sometimes. So much for radical gay activism. Send me your home or mobile phone if that's ok - so we can communicate - email is sometimes difficult. xxxsprios


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