Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Reading group

Hey readers, (Marcus, Alex, Jeff, Alicia, Salote, Rob and Andrew)

You've got the readers. Now here is the hard bit - arranging a time to meet - I think two sessions for the project is adequate - I'm thinking morning (say 9:30 am) due to my assumption that some people work in the afternoon. But believe me - after lunch is good too (say 1pm) - just depends on consensus.

Just to get the ball rolling I am proposing

Thursday 19th January
Tuesday 24th January
And lets have as a back up
Friday 27th January

It might be impossible to get all readers at Gertrude St at the same time so if we can aim for two sessions over the three dates, that might be an idea too.


As for the reader itself - yes it's a bit chunky but I had this magical photocopier at Officeworks that continually gave me free photocopying and I thought some of the text work so well together - who could resist. This free-loving-photocopying attitude might not be practical for discussion so I was thinking if we can prioritise a few of the texts. (Just in case you're short on Summer reading time.)

Australia Queer (Chris Berry & Annamarie Jagose)
Against Proper Objects (Judith Butler)
Bad Gay Art (Dean Kiley)
Epistemology of the Closet (Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick)
Down There (Catherine Lord)
Normalizing Transgression (David M Halperin)

If anyone is busting for the whole group to read something else from reader then send an email to the group and we'll take it from there.

We can use the rest to pepper conversation in a more individual manner.

Hope your summer is going well...hope to hear from you real soon re: dates/times and those helmet ideas from those who I haven't yet heard from.

Cheers Spiros


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