Poster Ideas for Kate

Just getting back to you with some preliminary ideas for the poster. I have come up with 4 ideas for the general conceptual framework. These are by no means fixed or rendered in any finished manner and are just starting off points. I had a bit of difficulty with your concept as I couldn't come up with an idea that dealt with the different facets of the issues you raised.
So what I've come up with are slogans that are calls to unionism targeted to the queer community. There's no implicit attack on the Howard government's IR changes or the tokenism of their inclusion of same-sex couples of carer's leave arrangements. This seemed a bit complex for a poster. So the idea is to for the poster by a kind of add for the ACTU Workers line - which apparently points fucked-over workers toward a relevant union. I've chosen not to create an illustration for your poster as I think the immediacy of the textual slogan has a t-shirt style retro appeal. I'm thinking of those Wham-esque 'Choose Life' or those 'Italians/Greeks do it better' T-shirts that were all the rage in 1986. Although come to think of it - it might be interesting if I allign the slogan with a badly traced and rendered sexed-up lifestyle photograph that plays at illustrating the text. Give me a few days to come up with some examples.
If we went with the sex-themed ideas like "groups do it better," "touch one touch all" (which you probably know is a slogan already used by the CFMEU) or "Protect Yourself" (a cliched safe sex message recontextualised). I thought it might be fun to place the poster near the Porter Street sauna - up to you.
It would be great to get some feedback brief and blunt will do. Either on the blog ( or via email is all fine.) I understand it's Summer and there's a lot of relaxing that needs doing.
Hope things are going well.
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